Practice makes perfect is a saying we’ve all no doubt heard as we were growing up. But more specifically, persistence. That is the key to master anything. You can practice something once every two months and not get very good at whatever you are doing. On the other hand, persistence will almost always deliver results.
With all the modern day distractions, from text messages, social media, politics, video games, etc., it can be a difficult proposition to keep focused on persistence. Putting aside those distractions will free us to become better at something we have dreamed of in the past.
Whatever path you have chosen and whatever aspirations you may have, there is inevitably going to be a lot of struggle and challenge along the way. For the most part, any significant goals in your life are likely going to take longer to accomplish than you anticipate.
The problem is that most of us don’t want to hear this when we first begin working on our dreams. There is a part of us that is holding on to the idea that we can bypass the struggle phase and skip right to the prize without truly earning it.
I was brutally guilty of this type of thinking when I first went into business for myself. I was so confident in my ideas and I was bursting with motivation and I assumed that all setbacks and roadblocks would be easily cleared aside by my work ethic.
As entrepreneurs, we are bursting with ideas and confident in them. That coupled with our motivation, we often assume that all setbacks and roadblocks will be easily cleared aside by our sheer grit and determination.
As we hear stories and read books about persistence, however, we truly do not take the message to heart. So many entrepreneurs do not believe their goals are going to take very long to achieve when starting out.
However, the sad reality for so many in the online business world is within a few months; they are forced to face many financial demands with their business to keep them going. It becomes painfully clear that they are staring at a mountain that they had essentially forced themselves to climb.
I have 6+ years in the online space working with female entrepreneurs with both marketing and implementation. Over the last few years, there was an exodus back to the business world, some I knew and some of whom others have talked about in their training.
As the early enthusiasm of being an entrepreneur fades and the hard reality of what we all face set in, is when the REAL education about the power of persistence comes into play.
Growing a business does not happen overnight, the time necessary to grow your business should be looked at and taken into consideration before making such a huge commitment. There are times when you may have to work 7 days a week. Sometimes 20 hours a day, some of the things that I have done in my business.
MANY times questioning my own sanity wondering if things would ever look up.
But eventually, you will reach your major objectives, financial, or otherwise and build a business that is successful, growing at a rapid pace, and set up to do very well for years to come.
Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.
~ Napoleon Hill
Let me share with you a few key lessons I learned along the way:
- Decide In Advance You Will Persist No Matter What: Whatever mountain you are starting at, whatever major goal you are working on, come to grips sooner rather than later to the FACT that it is going to take time (probably a lot longer than you want or you anticipate). Be okay with this fact and simply decide in advance that no matter what happens, you choose NOW that you will persist until you reach your goal, no matter what.
- Know It Is Going To Suck At Times: Just because your goal may be a major passion or something with a very deep meaning to you, does not mean it is going to be all fun and you will feel joy 100% of the time. The truth is, you will spend a lot of time battling fear, doubt, frustration, confusion, and overwhelm. Be ok with this and then…
- Use Contrast To BalanceYour Perspective: Always remember that no matter how hard your situation gets, there are still so many people in the world today who have it worse. Things may be tough and you may feel like quitting, but many other people have made it through far worse than you are going through right now. You may want to watch some Ted Talks or read books about people whose life stories make your struggles pale in comparison.
- Keep Score Of Your Efforts: As you plug away and put in your time over the days, weeks, months and years… make sure you keep track of all of your major efforts and action items. You will be amazed at how much you are learning, how many new skills you are developing, and the kind of person you are becoming as you progress on your journey. When you take a tally of your hard work, it becomes a powerful source of self-pride and respect.
- Repeat The Saying “I can – just watch me!”: Repeat The Saying “I can – just watch me!”: It may sound simple but try it out. When you are wallowing in self-doubt or trying to recover from a failed project or bad decision, simply repeat the words “I can – Just watch me!” over and over again. This simple phrase has the ability to shift your energy in a matter of seconds. You are affirming a truth about your own personal power. The more YOU believe in YOURSELF, the better the chances are that you will persist.
The more you persist, the closer you will get to your goal.
These lessons may all sound simple and that’s fine. Take advantage of their simplicity and do yourself a favor and implement them.
Make persistence a part of who you are. Once you do, there is nothing that can stop you!
Simplify the process of reaching your 2018 goals.
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