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Focus Is A Necessary Trait Of Success

Take Action

This week marks the unofficial start of summer, and I hope you are doing well.

As we pivot or adapt our business to the new economy, this email is about an incredibly important principle that all successful entrepreneurs follow: Taking Action!

"The path to success is to take massive, determined actions." ―Tony Robbins

Although taking focused action is only one aspect of the equation, it is necessary to make progress, and that's where most of your time should be spent as you grow your business during times like these.

I've written about the difference between being busy and being productive. Are you productive or just busy

Some of my clients are still in a state of figuring whether they need to pivot or adapt. My response to them is to adapt, you've spent time and effort growing your business. Why would you want to start over by pivoting?

So, how are you taking or planning to take action that will be productive and not a waste of your time?


Prioritize and focus on one thing at a time

Entrepreneurs all do this at some point. Work on too many things at the same time. This causes you to have too much on your plate, which leads to confusion, frustration, overwhelm, and no real result.

You are simply not good at multitasking. Even if you think you are, no you're not! What you are doing is switching from one task to another and wasting precious time in the process.  Here's a previous post I wrote about it. Multitasking: It Kills Your Focus

Prioritizing and focusing on one thing at a time allows you to take action on your goals and do what is necessary to make those goals a reality.  

We all struggle in business, and many online business owners are hesitant to share their struggles, choosing only to share the successful parts of their journey, not how they actually got there. That is why I respect some of the business owners I know when they do take the time to get real about what it takes to be successful. The one that remind everyone that they are a 10-year overnight sensation...

So if you're struggling, keep in mind that you are not alone. It is part of the process. If you're afraid to do something, that's part of the process too. 

Stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new is one of the scariest things we can experience.

Hence the phrase, "New Level, New Devil."When I first heard that, I had no idea what it meant. But as I continued in business, it began to resonate even more. Everyone goes through this, no matter how they try to spin it.

I have not met a single entrepreneur whose first idea was a success. Have you?

At best, it's a variation of their first idea, but most of the time it's something totally different. But they would have never known it unless they had taken focused action on one thing.

I can absolutely relate with that? How about you? If you are wondering what I mean, take a look at how many companies large and small over the past several years regularly tweak a small part of their offering and branding.  

In a surveyed done with a segments of my audience asking what their goals are for the year, and some of the responses I received were long lists of things, the to-do list. With so many things on their list, there is absolutely no way to achieve them all. We simply put too much on our plates and set ourselves up for overwhelm, burnout, or failure before we've even begun?

When you define clear goals based on your current situation (how much time you can reasonably devote to the activity, if you're alone or if you have a team), you can then break down these goals into projects, milestones, and tasks.

Once you are clear on that one goal, the next step is to take action that will bring you closer to achieving it. Yes, it can be that simple. 

How do you make that happen? You make it happen by saying no to other things to stay focused on your one thing. And although it may be hard to do right now, to continue moving forward, you will need to make those kinds of decisions. 

So I ask you, what is the one thing you are going to focus on right now?

Do you need help setting that one goal or staying focused on that goal?

Be kind to yourself, stay focused, and stay safe!