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The Importance of Setting Goals

“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” Zig Ziglar

Early in his career, Michael Jordan was told he was too short and unskilled to play basketball. Undeterred, he set daily, weekly, and yearly goals so he could realize his ultimate goal – to play in the NBA. His goal setting paid off, and he became, arguably, the best player the NBA has ever seen.

When JK Rowlings wanted to write and publish her first manuscript, she set daily writing targets to accomplish that dream. Her first Harry Potter book was a sensation. Without setting goals, she might still be an impoverished unknown instead of one of the most successful writers of all time.

Goals give you a target to aim for and act as a measure to gauge your progress. They also serve as an aid to course correct when the inevitable obstacles appear. Here are 3 of the best reasons to start getting serious about setting your own goals.

  1. You make better decisions. Setting goals helps you identify your priorities and make choices based on what you want. Decision-making becomes easier, and more focused when you know exactly what you want.
  2. Your ‘follow through’ improves. When you love what you’re doing and love what you’re pursuing, you’re naturally more motivated to finish what you start.
  3. Your confidence grows. When you set and achieve a goal, the depths of what you’re capable of are revealed. There’s no better boost to self-esteem than realizing you have the ‘right stuff’.

If you want to take charge of your life and feel a sense of empowerment, start setting goals. Goals guide your efforts and energies while red-flagging time-wasting activities. You become the best version of who you are meant to become. All the evidence suggests that achieving your goals will make you less stressed, more compassionate, and just plain happier with your life.

Are your day-to-day efforts getting you closer to your goals or farther away? Maybe it’s time to take a tip from the playbook of the Michael Jordan’s of the world and set your own goals. Use the tips above, and you’ll be setting (and achieving) your goals like a pro in no time!

Prioritize For Success!

Janet McIntosh

Join us for the 4th Quarter Goal Setting & Planning workshop on Thursday, October 4th!