Your Success Plan

The end of 2020 is just months away. Are you setting aside time to plan what you want to accomplish in your business? What happened this year is a stark reminder of just how essential it is to have a plan in place so you can take on uncertainty.   


If you are not currently creating a plan,  I strongly encourage you to embrace it for the remainder of this year, as well as the new year ahead. Setting aside time now and not waiting until the end of the year, to plan out what you want to do, and more importantly, what growth you want to achieve in the coming year is crucial in all businesses.

“Plan your work for today and every day, then work your plan.”  ~Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

I know it has been in my own business. Over the coming weeks, I want to share some of the things I learned along the way in my business that may also help you.  

Let's take a look at why planning out the things you want to and will do in your business is your first step to achieving your desired success. Many factors come into play here.

The first of which is clarity.  The first is efficiency. When you have a clear plan, it allows you to focus on what’s important for you and your business. When you have that focus, you are no longer wasting time daily or weekly trying to figure out what you should be working on, what pieces are missing from the services, programs, or products you offer.  How you need to market your business to take it to the next revenue-generating level (whether that is six or seven figures for your business), you will now know what needs to come next.

In an upcoming post, we will look at how having clear goals in mind and a plan for the year ahead makes it easy to walk backward to create effective and efficient tasks prioritized by level of importance and not just an ever-growing daily to-do lists. The idea is to focus and work on the most important tasks each day to reach your goals.


Challenge yourself by setting a big goal for yourself; this will help you step outside of your comfort zone. You can make it a big income goal for the coming month or quarter. Please put it in writing and keep it in front of you, so you see it every day.  As you get working, you will begin to notice what happens next. And that is, you begin to think and see things differently,  things you may not have thought about before. This is when you start to envision creative ways to get more visibility, for instance. You begin running promotions that will bring more money into your business.


In the end, it’s all comes down to your mindset, the one thing that can quickly derail you. So far, we’ve focused on what you can actively do to make progress by creating a plan, setting goals, and taking action. However, another dimension to it all is what is going on in your mind, as you are busy getting creative, finding ways to grow our businesses, and creating more flexibility in your life. It is crucial to consider that you need to keep a positive mindset, one that is success-driven continually.  Just because you begin to take action does not mean that little voice in your head will not pop up from time to time,. trying to railroad you by telling you how impossible it will be.  Daily inventions and mantras are a great way to make sure you stay confident in yourself and with the plan you created to reach your goals ultimately.  

In short, planning and setting goals is essential because it helps you grow faster. That means you generate more revenue in your business, thus giving you the flexibility to spend more time with loved ones and less time in your office.